Discover the power of herbs, spices and wild plants!
Re-discover their precious phytonutrients and other nutritional and healing properties
By growing your own herbs, picking wild plants to eat (most are not weeds!) and making the best use of the forgotten spices, you’ll notice your mind becoming quiet. Their beauty and fragrances will relax you, making it easier to be present and to make beautiful things: to eat and drink, for your living and workspaces and for blissful body care. Enjoy your creations with the people you care about. I’ll show you how.
Let’s relax, make beautiful things and create happiness, together!

About Jené
I’m fascinated by all that is between heaven and earth: why we’re here and how we can (re) discover our intrinsic joy.
When I’m home I’m an avid herb gardener. When we’re sailing my herbs look after themselves very well and I go wild foraging. Wild plants are always within easy reach: in our gardens; at campsites; in harbours and when out walking. Herbs are the new salt and the new sugar. Along with wild foraging they are a fun and sustainable way to boost our vitality. Join in!
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